Kitsilano, Vancouver, BC 1997
"It is not only fine feathers
that make fine BIRDS."
~ Aesop
The residence is designed to be in context with neighbourhood scale craftsman style homes in Vancouver's Kitsilano community—and provide a distinct identity based on its unique location. The home takes advantage of its prime corner location as well as views toward the North Shore mountains. It has affectionly been named the" Bird House" by the community.
References to buildings in the area include: covered verandahs, sharply sloping roof, bay windows, wood trim boards. Exterior cladding is cedar siding. A large sloping roof with the main gable facing the main street is a dominant architectural feature.
The energy-efficient home is organized around a cross hall open plan. Other features include vaulted ceilings in all bedrooms, and extensive use of natural materials including wood, slate and douglas fir log posts.